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Discerning Wisdom -Who should we listen to?

Writer's picture: Preethi Preethi

My previous post was about slowing down and opening our ears to the words other people give us. Even though we may not take their advice or suggestions, listening helps ground and keep us humble.

The real challenge is considering who to listen to.

Because not everyone has the discerning wisdom and or advice that will benefit us during a certain season in our life. Some people speak just to be heard and or to make a statement; therefore, what they say may be harmful to us.

When I reflect on whose wisdom I have allowed to resonate with me and provide guidance for my darkest times, it is those people whose intentions were to HELP and not HARM me.

It is those people whose intentions were to UPLIFT and not BELITTLE me

It is those people who are not AFRAID of hurting my feelings because they’d rather OPEN my eyes

These are the kinds of people you want to get your advice from.

For me these people are usually pastors and or preachers online

For example: Dharius Daniels, Ben Stuart, Michael Todd and Steven Furtick.

Even if you are not spiritual, their videos are aimed to help you through the storms and or battles you are currently facing. Because religious or not, all of us face obstacles and need discerning wisdom to help guide us. So, if I am to recommend any speakers, those would be my favorite.

But how about people in real life?

Friends and family sometimes are biased, so how do we pick and choose?

Personally, I can’t go to get advice from my mother the same way I can go to my sister.

But that doesn’t mean I love her any less.

I love her to pieces, but my advice and consoling does not come from her.

My sister has faced similar situations as me and has faced them more recently so that is why it is easier to get wisdom from her. Furthermore, I have witnessed how she fights her battles and that is why I know taking her advice will only be for my benefit. Even though if sometimes I don’t like what she has to say, I know for a fact that it is for my good.

Who is that person in your life that knows you a little more than you know yourself.

Who knows your ins and outs, your weaknesses, your faults

Yet never demeans you and brings you down for them.

Who accepts you regardless of these faults?

That is who you go to for advice - someone who sees you for both your bad and good, but only wants you to shine. It could be a neighbor, a teacher, a parent, a cousin, or a friend.

I’ve also taken advice from strangers.

You know sometimes you just meet someone and they tell you something so relevant and necessary for you to hear, that you feel like they were God sent?

Those people can be the icebreakers for a decision that you have been desperately longing to make.

At the end of the day, you are the one with the power and authority to make a decision, but always remember that you can look to others to help make the decision process a little easier :)


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