Unfulfilled definition - “Not having fully utilized or exploited one's abilities or character."
I know so many people who have massive potential, in places where they are
Undervalued yet Overqualified.
Many of us follow the path we’ve been told is the right way to go and although maybe we’ve been making it through this path, something feels off, something feels in-genuine
That something is you.
Maybe you are trying to appease your parents by going on a certain career path that they couldn’t so they’ve placed pressure on you
Maybe you are up keeping a family business that you didn’t want to actually work in. Maybe you feel like your lack of finances is in the way of you going after what you really want to do.
Maybe you are in the job you’re in because of good money but it’s draining you out every day.
I'm not advocating to quit where you are right now, but my friend, do not dismiss the other dreams you have.
~Joining a band or starting one
~Opening a bakery or restaurant
~Creating your own clothing line
~ Teaching a class about something you're talented in.
Listen, The 9-5 office job structure is failing us
If you are like me and the idea of working underneath someone makes you squirm, then go start something and be the head of it.
Write that book you’ve been telling others you would write.
Record that song that’s been stuck in your head and share it with the world.
Go back to school for the degree that’s sitting in the back of your mind.
Do not let lack of time become an obstacle
We have all the time in the world at our fingertips
Please do not go through this life just working and staying alive.
Just because you have a degree in philosophy, that does not mean you can’t pursue your dream of opening up your own clothing line.
Just because you never finished your degree, that does not mean you have to stay in the same underpaid position you are in now.
Finish school, go get another degree and move up.
Just because you never went to college that doesn’t mean you can’t build your own brand.
Do not stay in mediocrity
Stop trying to fit the societal mold of average, when you are called + created to do more.
We are all getting weary of following routine and practicality when we should be taking note of what our heart is calling for us to do.
Think about the last activity you did that made you free.
Maybe you were scribbling on the edge of a piece of paper
Maybe you were jotting your thoughts down
Maybe you were at a park swinging
Perhaps you picked up an instrument you used to play and played some notes from a song you knew. Perhaps you saw a store, or restaurant, that made you want to open your own version of it one day.
My friend, do not dismiss that feeling - that desire to do something more impactful with your life.
That small piece of the dream that you have for whatever your future holds.
Do you want to write your life story into a book?
Get a computer and start typing.
Do you want to share your life on YouTube to inspire others?
Take out a camera, film, and upload it
Do you want to get over your fear of others hearing your voice?
Go to open mic events and speak!
Life can become so unfulfilling and bleak when we don't take the time to ask ourselves what skills and abilities we possess that can best serve others.
Because the reality is that the greatest fulfillment you can receive is through making a positive and purposeful impact in the lives of others.
I was so confused about my purpose for years until a few months ago I sat down with my feelings and thoughts and sorted through my goals for the future.
I went into prayer to ask God to reveal to me what I was best suited to do with my life.
He revealed to me something I had inside myself for years that I had no idea could be a potential very successful career opportunity.
When you seek insight from above, you will no longer be interested to do mediocre things.
Do not aim to be average and stay safe in mediocrity.
You have God-given potential to be so much more.
Go after your moon.
~ Preethi.