This is such a valuable and important pedagogy. These days we are so eager to post every achievement, progress update, and recognition on social media. For what, more recognition, gratification, and admiration?
Refraining from sharing every moment of progress in our lives allows us to continue to develop and strive in authenticity and determination.
It is very easy to post some progress on social media and feel as if the gratification received from others means that we have done enough, when in reality we still have more to nurture.
Furthermore, opinions from others on our progress can be negative and unnecessary which may make our goal to harder to see, and possibly deter us from achieving it.
I'll give you an example of a friend I have. She went through complete hell, torture, and pain because of her own body. She had a condition that was at a very dangerous stage and was destroying her physical and mental state. However, she went through a process of shutting everyone off and focusing on her relationship with God which resulted her to gain strength from the battle she was fighting. She didn't reach out to social media to showcase her improvements mentally or physically. She fought her battle in silence and now she is better than ever.
Staying in silence allowed her to muster strength from within herself - not from the words, pity, or sympathy from those who truly couldn't understand what she went through. Now that she is in a much better condition, I have advised her to write or record her story to share with those who have been dealing with similar battles. Despite if she shares her story, the way she lives with happiness and peace, as well as how she carries herself is inspiration in itself. What's even more important is that her success is not something based off of others words or praise; it was from the scraps of herself that she picked up and glued into something extraordinary.
This is a minute example out of many other scenarios, but the main point is that keeping our successes a secret, allows for a much more personal victory.

This is mmmm good! Ego is involved so much when we feel we need validation or praise from the outside world! Also, our own personal dreams are ours for a reason! Some people, even though we may be excited about them and want to share, because they are in a different space, can make us doubt ourselves when they add their own opinion into the mix. Loved all of this! So true!
This was a big lesson I never fully embraced until recently. The only hard work I ever did behind closed doors was fitness related. Everything else needed to be seen or I wouldn’t do it