Life is a marathon. Our whole life is a race that has its ups and downs, its surges, and its walls, but one day we will reach that finish line. There are smaller sections of this marathon we call life that can be seen as track races.
Whether it be one lap, two, or seven, these smaller races help fine-tune us to allow us to run longer and faster for our full marathon.
However, whether it be completing a degree, a job project, a new relationship, etc, these track races come with hurdles - and by hurdles I mean people.
If you've ever run on a track before or have partaken in a race, you know how frustrating it may be when someone is right behind you and or in the same lane as you. You can feel them or hear them breathing loud, and just the sight of them so close gives you more pressure while running.
Sometimes it is so much pressure, that you end up slowing down or losing focus, so the other person can move up and get out of your way.
I used to loathe when this happened during my track races and I would try to get out of that lane as soon as possible, even if it meant going to the next lane that was empty but would technically make my race a bit longer.
This same scenario is something we all deal with within our lives.
We hang on to or keep people around who are pulling us back more than propelling us forward.
We may think they are by our side, but at the core of it, they are leaning on us to get to where they need to be and are hindering our progress.
Many of us put up with these kinds of people because "we've known them forever" or "they're a family friend" or we are just are people pleasers. Yet there are some of us who do not realize the people in our lives that are taking away from us more than they are giving.
It is not easy letting go of someone whose company you have been used to, or maybe even like.
You might even love this person or group of people, but you have to discern when it is time to call it quits.
Your mental health and happiness is a priority over those of others.
This may sound selfish, but hear me out.
You can not be the best kind of friend, mentor, or partner to anyone until you are the best kind of person for yourself!
Think about the airplane analogy. If the plane is in danger, you put your mask on first and then you help your child. I used to think that was so wrong and selfish, but as time passed I started to see and realize why this ideology is so important.
If you want to continue taking care of others and being there for them as best as you can,
you need to take care of yourself first.
Your life is your own journey, your own race, with your own finish time.
Do not let the voices, opinions, or even the presence of others hamper your progression, let alone affect the pace of your race.
Life is intimidating, and the people in your life need to be managed in a way that benefits you and them.
Letting go of certain people is beneficial for both parties.
It helps you get back on track, and it helps them learn from their mistakes and grow.
Do not be afraid to make this decision.

Reflect on it, pray about it, and ask God to give you the courage and peace to do so.