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What ingredients are you cooking with?

Writer's picture: Preethi Preethi

Everyone is a chef in their own mind/world (some better than others).

Yet we all have at least one secret recipe, in which the order and or type of ingredients is

what takes that dish to the next level.

Whether it be your grandma's secret or something you just discovered -

what makes that recipe special is the specific ingredients you put together.

So how about in the other areas of our lives - what kind of ingredients are we feeding ourselves?

Are they the best high-quality kind, or the cheap mediocre kind?

I’m talking about what we watch, read, and think about.

All these are very important ingredients that if we consistently feed ourselves with the wrong ones, we will be a disaster of a recipe!

Is that show really worth your 3 hours every day?

Is it actually teaching or enlightening you on anything new and transformational,

or is it just making you comfortable and at ease?

Does it take you away from reality, that you just want to sit in front of your screen and watch a group of characters who live the life that you want to live?

Is it making you think about doing things you wouldn’t normally do if you were casually going about your day?

Yes, I’m going there, because apps such as Netflix and Hulu are at our hands 24/7,

there are so many shows and options there for us, which may not the best use of our time.

Just be mindful and be smart about your investment in these places.

How about what you read? (even on your phone)

Is reading all that celeb gossip/ scary news helping you in any way,

or is it frustrating you and causing you to be alert/angry all the time?

Even the kind of news you read may be making you skeptical of others who are not even at fault.

It may be keeping you on edge all the time as opposed to when you were much more at peace without it.

Yes, there is a healthy level of being informed, but there is also another level where knowing too much, causes you to worry about things you cannot change.

Now, the last ingredient I want to talk about is a big one - what you think about.

This is one of the most important ingredients that you must keep a careful eye on.

Our thoughts can be our biggest jail cells; we can be prisoners to them.

Are you feeding yourself with worries, doubts, and anxiety?

Whether that be for the future, your health, your career, or how you look.

Let’s say our thoughts are a combination of sugar and salt.

Being in euphoria all the time (sugar binge) is not okay or healthy, because it leads

to unrealistic expectations, disappointments, and just pure ignorance.

Meanwhile, too much salt - worries, others' opinions, doubt, and fear, also makes a very bad recipe because it will lead us to feel inadequate.

What we need is a balance of both sugar and salt.

We need the good and positive vibes, along with the dash of salt.

And by salt, I mean vigilance and discernment.

Discerning who and what is good for you and being vigilant about what you allow to go in your mind/thoughts.

These are all healthy additions of salt.

Every day is another opportunity to make sure that we balance our salt and sugar intake right?

I encourage you to take a little time today or after reading this to jot down (physically write down if possible)

What in your life represents your sweet tooth and what represents the savory?

This way you can filter out/add ingredients that will help you be the best recipe you can be.

I hope this was able to inspire you and or make you reflect in a beneficial way.

Stay healthy and blessed!


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