The other night I went to the beach to enjoy the beautiful view and weather.
The ocean was calm and the waves were gentle.
My friend and I noticed an oncoming ship that was pretty far but visibly heading towards the shore. There was a decent amount of people on it and looked like there was a party going on.
As the ship started heading towards the shore, it did not move in our direction but rather swayed to the right side with the restaurants and buildings.
Then some moments later, the waves by where we were sitting intensified rapidly in ripples.
At first, I thought there was something in the water because it happened all of sudden.
Then my friend mentioned how the ship was what caused the change in the waves.
I laughed and said, "no way" because the ship was so far and went the other direction.
But as I thought about it for a bit longer, it made sense.
Even though the ship was far away, the force and weight of it were able to cause a change in the waves that were miles away from it.
And it wasn’t just a small change in the waves, these waves became aggressive and loud.
How could something so distant in the water have such an impact on something so close to the shore?
This made me think about how the weight of our decisions now, impacts us in the future, regardless of if we are aware of it.
Think about it... how much of what you learned, saw, and experienced in your childhood, has rippled into who you are as an adult?
I’ll share a personal example - me eating every single sweet thing in sight as a kid seemed harmless, until a few short years later I was pre-diabetic.
Of course, when I was young I didn’t know that eating a whole container of Oreos, or eating half a container of icing would have any impact on my health; I was having the time of my life.
But a few years later when my doctor told me that my health was in danger and I may be diabetic, I was no longer on that ship having a blast.
I was frightened about what that would mean for my future, but more so disappointed in myself for not knowing better or at least having more self-control.
By God's grace, I had a chance to get my health in order and take care of myself better to avoid imminent health issues. I was also blessed to have a mother that was determined to help me get on the right track.
Because of that situation, even though it was over a decade ago, I am very health conscious and most importantly I have self-control.
Aside from chubby Preethi eating all the snacks, this concept applies to the grander scheme of things. Many of the decisions that we do or do not make now, will surface into how something else turns out in the near or distant future.
Furthermore, not only do the decisions you make affect you and your environment, but may also affect other people farther along the way.
The people on the ship didn’t notice or experience the change in waves because they were already in it. Moreso, the waves only changed after the boat passed.
Yet, the people miles away in a different direction on the shore saw and experienced the drastic impact.
Keep this in mind the next time you think about hastily making a decision or a series of choices that although at the moment may feel right, may not be right for you in the near or distant future.
As always, stay blessed, happy, and healthy :)
