I’m sure you have heard the famous quote: “Give and you will receive”, from my favorite book - the Bible.
Many people associate it purely with tithing (offerings) to the Church, but it goes far beyond that.
Giving to others is what I want to focus on.
I am not talking about physical gifts, but rather your time, focus, and maybe even guidance.
I think now more than ever, it is easier to replace our appreciation and our time for someone by simply sending them a gift to show “how much we care” and or just shooting them a text every here and now.
I want to challenge you this upcoming year to do more of the giving.
Whether that be making personal sacrifices to sharpen your character so you can be a better influence and guide for others, or simply just being there more often for those whom you care about.
I will share with you a personal example.
My parents have spoiled me, not necessarily with gifts, but with opportunities. Because of them, I got to dorm for my first two years in college, and have an apartment my third year.
My college is a commuter school, so I knew of a bunch of people that lived around me who were doing a 4-hour commute every single day.
I didn’t realize I was living privileged until my second year. During that time I extended my dorm as a space for my closest friends to come to recharge, rest, and or eat.
Had I not dormed, I would be in and out of school as quickly as possible so I could get home.
But because of my parents, ( Huge shoutout to my mom especially for this because she took extra shifts to pay my dorm off), I had the opportunity to do more than just attend school for classes.
My friends were very grateful and still are to this day, but that is not the point.
My parents gave for me, and I was able to give for others.
It’s a cycle. Because of their giving, my friends were able to receive hospitality. My parents did not directly get the receiving, but their actions were surely received.
On another note, because I was doing all this giving amidst balancing my schoolwork and personal life, I got a tiny glimpse of what my parents do and maybe even how they feel.
I’m not going to lie, it is very tiring to go out of your way for others, but if your intentions are in the right place, it is all worth it.
I’m going to shift this into a fitness perspective.
To get the results, you have to give up an unhealthy diet.
You have to give way to your schedule to make sure you’re prioritizing your sleep, food, and workouts.
There are going to be some sacrifices within your personal and or social life. But with this giving, you will be getting the results you’re desiring. Not only that, but you’ll be able to then give your advice, experience, and knowledge to others who are at the level you were at when you started.
Like I said before, it is a cycle. And the receiving part does not always mean you are directly reaping the rewards. The receiving really has not much to do with you, but more so your impact on the receiver. When you give in that time and dedication, you sharpen your character to be able to be a positive example for others. In turn, they can then be a great example for those they are surrounded by.
So, what are you going to be giving to others in 2021?
As always, stay safe, happy, healthy, and blessed,
Happy holidays and New years :)
