Have you ever tried to shake off an injury, like you twisted your ankle during a run, or hurt your back lifting weights but decided it was no big deal?
You just went easy the next day and modified workouts for a while, and the pain seemed to go away so you continued back to normal.
Until you make that one wrong turn, that stride was too fast, and you hear something crack - now you’re officially injured for months maybe even a year.
You’re in crutches, or a cast, or maybe bedridden for some time.
So many times we tend to dismiss the hurt and pain that comes after a hard time (job loss, loss of a loved one, breakup) and instead of trying to address the pain, we keep doing life.
We opt for a “new hobby” or “new people” to take our minds of what just had left us hurt and open.
But, how can you start playing basketball when you still have that ankle injury from soccer you didn't take care of?
You need your feet for both sports, and just because it's a different game, that doesn't mean the old wounds aren’t still lurking.
We do this all the time in our professional lives and our relationships.
You cannot expect a successful career if your last failed attempt wasn’t properly assessed.
You cannot have a long-lasting relationship with someone if they are a filler for the last person that left you empty.
You are still carrying baggage, confusion, and frustration from other places that now have the opportunity to enter new spaces.
That new competitive worker reminded you of why you quit your last job.
That one thing your new friend said triggered a bad moment from your last relationship, and you lash out.
In turn, you affect people and places that were not at fault.
When you don’t heal your old wounds, you share them with others.
Who would want to carry around your wound?
Would you ever heal a bullet wound with a band aid?
Of course not, that's absurd.
You need to clean it, disinfect it, have a medical professional remove the bullet, and then take the necessary rest time for your body to recover.
Yet isn't this what we do when we face trauma?
We patch it up with quick solutions like new people and places, or worse we ignore it!
But in reality we are letting our wounds fester, giving it the opportunity to infect others.

This is why it is vital to heal yourself first before you start digging elsewhere.
Stop distracting yourself and start assessing yourself!
As always, stay happy, blessed, and safe ✊🏽