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Moody Foodie

It's Your Time to Win the Battle with Food

Healthy eating looks a bit different for everyone and it's up to you to decide how that looks like for you. 

The way we eat stems from how we were fed as children, and what we were exposed to growing up.


Understanding how you were impacted, gives you the power to finally change your eating habits and behaviors for good. 


You deserve to feel your best, look your best, and perform your best. 

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Course Lessons

A list of the lessons in the course not including the intro and conclusion sections.

What Food Does to Your Body (The good the bad and Ugly)

Breaking Down Diets (Secret - they all suck)

Mindful Eating (Tactics to prevent overeating)

Satiation - (Different than Satisfaction)

Re-training Your Taste Buds to eat healthier

Ayurveda (Specific foods for certain body types)

Can Your Gut Trust You? (Your Gut is your powerhouse)

Lower Calories Aren't Sexy (Stop Falling for the Labels)

Bonus Precision Nutrition Guides and Worksheets

(*PN Is the #1 Nutrition certification program)​

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What will you gain?

This course will equip you to understand

  1. The Impact of marketing and media on your food preferences and attitudes towards food.

  2. The Psychology behind food cravings and Addiction.

  3. How to Mindfully Eat and the Importance of incorporating this practice into your life

  4. How the way you eat internally impacts you and your capacity to function well


In a nutshell - EDUCATION + AWARENESS is the recipe for radical and sustainable transformation. 

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Free Class

You vs You

I offer a free workshop class so you can get an idea of what and how I coach. This lesson is so foundational because I go into what NOT to do before you pursue your fitness goals. This way you won't end up in toxic cycles and you can actually achieve the smarter goals you set for yourself.

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