Why does it feel like a constant battle when trying to be consistent at eating healthy? You know which foods are good for you, but you can't help but go back to old ways after trying to be "good" for a few days. You go after foods that are convenient and quick to make, as opposed to those that may take a little more time to make, but you know will make you feel and move better throughout your day. Do you find yourself eating when you're overwhelmed and stressed? When nothing else can calm you down but your favorite fast food, bag of chips, or candy? All this has to do with a combination of our negative self-image, diet culture, as well as food and behavioral psychology. I created this course so that you can gain a deeper understanding of the complex factors that influence our relationship with food and exercise and develop the habits you need to make the best choices for your body and lifestyle. I struggled with poor eating habits for over 20 years and have finally gotten out of the war with myself. I am desperate to share with you how you can stop this war for good. Don't wait until tomorrow. Change starts right NOW!
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